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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Video III, Inventing Notation

Mathematical Notation is the use of symbols which stand for specific quantities, according to the problem, to avoid the writing of long words. It is an abbreviation that helps ease the reading of any solution. However, the most impressive thing that attracted my attention is the use of "0 and 1" as a notation to present a solution by one of the fifth graders. It was excellent. The child used a chart where he wrote the first letter of each topping and 0 for the unused topping and 1 for the used. His presentation was successful. It wasn't only that. He, also, was able to use the "four stories towers" to present the "pizza" activity. The combination he made between the two activities was mathematically correct!
When it comes to the second part, where the children were presenting and discussing their work, they were convincing. They were sure about their solutions, defending and insisting. I would say that the children gain these skills from the activities they were involved in. Thus, hands-on-learning strategy does not only inhance students' learning precess, but also their self-confidence, which I myself consider the highest goal.

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