Objective: Adding and Subtracting Fraction with Alike Denominators Correctly
Motivation: Remind the students about the following definitions:
Fraction= division, dividing the numerator by the denominator= decimal
Denominator= the number, which is called denominator, tells us into how many pieces
1 whole has been divided into.
Numerator= the number, which is called numerator, tells us how many parts we will
be using from the pieces of the denominator.
Equivalent= equal value
Material: Pattern Blocks
Procedure: the students will be working in groups of three.
- I will demonstrate to my students how to build three congruent regular hexagon. One is divided into 8 congruent trapezoids, thus the denominator is 8. The second is divided into 12 congruent rhombus, thus the denominator is 12. The third is divided into 24 congruent and equilateral triangles, and here the denominator is 24.
- I will let each student within each group to choose his/her denominator, start writing fraction, ex: 1/8; 3/8; 5/8; 5/12; 7/12; 9/24; 11/24 and so on.
- Add any fraction, either with the same or different denominators. Write the your observations by answering the following question: does adding unlike denominator fractions give you the same part of the same hexagon, knowing that each one was divided into specific number of parts? Was adding fractions of the same denominator gave you the same hexagon? Explain.
- Subtract fractions following the same steps.
Ending Activity: Students can divide a map, for example into congruent squares, so they can draw the same map easily.
Homework: practice book